John 4:42 – We Have Heard for Ourselves

S – John 4:42 -They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

O – The woman at the well went into the city and shared what Jesus had spoken into her life.   Some believed from her words.  After Jesus came in the city and the people encountered him personally, they had heard for themselves.  They respond with “…we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.”

A – I need to daily encounter God personally.  In addition, I need to encourage those around me to not just take my word for it, but to meet Jesus personally.

P – Father, thank you for sending your Son to be my Savior.  Continue to let me hear it for myself and to encourage those around me to do the same.

2 thoughts on “John 4:42 – We Have Heard for Ourselves

  1. (ESV) John 4:4 And he had to pass through Samaria.
    One of the best sermons I ever heard preached was on this chapter, and one of the most memorable things the guy said related to this tiny, little, seemingly innoccuous verse. He most certainly did not “have to,” at least as we usually consider those words. It was common practice for Jews to extend their journey by three days simply in order to avoid going through Samaria, so much did they hate that province and its people. So what compels Jesus? Why does he “have to” go through Samaria? What causes Him to take this journey so many would find distasteful? One woman. A sinner, who led a hard, lonely life, due to a series of bad choices. Jesus frustrated expectations, veered from all norms, risked ridicule and rejection for one woman. He had to.

    Thank you, God for your unending, earth-moving love for me–specifically me–as one individual sinner in a world of them. It’s almost too great to understand. In fact, it is too great. Help me love others the same way.

    • You’re right Tim, Jesus had a different agenda. He reached out to the unlovable and was interruptible to the point of stopping for several days to share with those that the Jews hated.

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