Salve for my Soul

I’m just finishing my devotional Bible reading for the morning. It was salve for my soul.

I’ve studied the Bible academically. I’ve spent 18 years in seminary. I’ve read the critical attacks and the critical rebuttals. I’ve been taught Greek and Hebrew. Studying the Bible academically has only made me believe in its accuracy and reliability more…

But there is nothing like studying it devotionally. There is a reason it is the #1 best seller of all time. The Bible has transformed and is transforming the lives of billions of people – including mine.

Why? Because the Bible is God’s love letter to us. It shows us how glorious He is. It paints the beautiful picture of how God loves us enough to send His Son Jesus to rescue rebellious people like me. It shows us God’s perfect pursuit of imperfect people who don’t follow or understand Him.

In my reading today: “Then the disciple who had reached the tomb first also went in, and he saw and believed— for until then they still hadn’t understood the Scriptures that said Jesus must rise from the dead.” – John 20:8-9

As any love letter from a father, the Bible shows us the best way to live in response to His love – not to earn His love. And, in uncertain times, it tells us how our story, HIS story, the story, ends.

Devotional Bible reading is transformational because it is about our relationship with God through Jesus. As we read it prayerfully, we grow our relationship with Him. What an incredible privilege to listen to His divine and loving words to us.

I don’t love the Bible. I love the author of the Bible. I needed my devotional Bible reading this morning because I needed to hear from Him.

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